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Release time:2024/09/18
Cause and judgment of broken copper wire in the process of wire drawing

In the process of copper wire drawing, the problem of broken wire is a common challenge, which not only affects the production efficiency, but also may cause material waste and cost increase. In this paper, from the raw material quality inspection, drawing equipment status, drawing speed control, die wear and matching, cooling and lubrication effect, external interference factors, fracture pattern analysis and maintenance and maintenance records of eight aspects, a detailed analysis of the cause of copper wire breakage and judgment methods.

1. Quality inspection of raw materials

Causes and effects: The quality of raw copper rod is an important factor affecting the broken line. The excessive hydrogen content in the copper rod (more than 6000PPM) inclusions, cuprous oxide particles, etc., may lead to central burst or wire breakage. In addition, the surface of the copper rod is uneven, cracked or impurities will also affect the stability and continuity of the wire drawing process.

Preventive measures: Before production, the copper rod should be fully self-tested to detect certain oxygen content, inclusion content, surface quality, etc., and timely find and remove unqualified copper rod.

2. Status of the wire drawing device

Cause and effect: The state of wire drawing equipment has a direct impact on the breaking rate of copper wire. For example, the unstable air pressure of the equipment, the serious wear of the tower wheel, the improper Angle of the eye die, etc., may cause the copper wire to be subjected to unstable tension during the stretching process, resulting in wire breakage.

Preventive measures: Check and maintain the wire drawing equipment regularly, including adjusting the pressure stability, replacing the badly worn tower wheel, calibrating the eye die Angle, etc., to ensure that the equipment is in the best running condition.

3. Wire drawing speed control

Causes and effects: Too fast drawing speed may lead to too high surface temperature of copper wire, causing oxidation, hardening and even fracture; Too slow will reduce productivity. Reasonable drawing rate is the key to ensure the uniformity and surface quality of copper wire.

Preventive measures: The drawing rate is precisely set according to the specifications of the copper wire, the material characteristics and the quality requirements of the final product, and is monitored and adjusted in real time during the production process.

4. Mold wear and match

Causes and effects: mold wear and material mismatch is an important cause of broken lines. The inner diameter, taper and surface finish of the die directly affect the drawing effect. Severe mold wear or unreasonable design will cause the copper wire to be subjected to uneven stress during the stretching process, resulting in wire breakage.

Preventive measures: regularly check the wear of the mold, timely replace the mold with serious wear; According to the material characteristics and tensile requirements, reasonable design mold specifications and shapes.

5. Cooling lubrication effect

Causes and effects: The poor cooling effect will cause the surface temperature of the copper wire to be too high, soften or even oxidize, thereby reducing its mechanical properties and leading to wire breakage. At the same time, poor lubrication will increase the friction between the mold and the copper wire, further aggravating the risk of wire breakage.

Preventive measures: Optimize the cooling system to ensure that the temperature, pressure and flow of the coolant meet the requirements: select efficient lubricating oil to improve the lubrication effect and reduce friction heat generation.

6. External distractions

Causes and effects: such as bad workshop environment, equipment vibration is too large external impact and other external interference factors may also lead to copper wire breakage.

Preventive measures: Keep the workshop environment clean, reduce vibration and shock: strengthen equipment fixing and support to ensure stable operation of equipment.

7. Fracture morphology analysis

Analysis method: Through the analysis of the shape of the broken line, we can judge the reason of the broken line. Such as central burst, bubble break, inclusion break, tension break and so on have different morphological characteristics and formation reasons.

Preventive measures: For different fracture forms, corresponding preventive measures are taken, such as reducing the gas content of copper rods, adjusting the drawing speed, improving the lubrication conditions, etc.

8. Maintenance and maintenance records

Importance: The establishment and maintenance of detailed equipment maintenance and maintenance records, to help timely detection and resolution of potential problems, to prevent the occurrence of breakdowns and other failures.

Implementation measures: Regularly record the operating status, maintenance content, replacement parts and other information of the equipment: sort out and analyze the maintenance records, find potential problems and rules: formulate targeted preventive measures and maintenance plans.

In summary, through comprehensive inspection of raw material quality, optimization of equipment status, accurate control of wire drawing speed, reasonable matching of molds, improvement of cooling and lubrication effect, reduction of external interference factors, in-depth analysis of fracture patterns and the establishment of effective maintenance and maintenance records and other measures, can effectively reduce the broken rate of copper wire drawing process, improve production efficiency and product quality.

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