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Release time:2024/01/22
Safety operation rules for copper and aluminum wire drawing machines

Safety operating rules for copper wire drawing machines and aluminum wire drawing machines

1、 Before starting work, wear labor protection equipment according to regulations, fasten the buttons on the clothes, tighten the cuffs and hem of the collar. Female workers must wear a hat and put their hair braids inside the hat. They are not allowed to wear slippers, high heels, bare feet, shirtless, open clothes, or scarves when entering the production position. Drinking alcohol is not allowed before starting work.

2、 Check whether the safety protection devices on the equipment are in their normal position and complete, and whether all transmission parts are flexible and normal. Any abnormalities or incompleteness must be repaired before driving.

3、 The installation of the wire reel on the machine must be reliable and able to rotate as required to prevent the wire reel from falling off and damaging the equipment during the production process, or pulling the wire and throwing the wire head out and injuring people.

4、 Before driving, check that there are no tools, tools, or loose products on the rotating parts,

5、 No items are allowed to be placed near the transmission parts, and personnel are not allowed to stand near the transmission shaft or belt.

6、 When loading and unloading the reel, it must be done after the equipment has come to a stable stop and after the middle guard board blocks the opposite reel to prevent squeezing hands and feet; When the wire collection equipment rotates, the operating door should be closed; When starting the equipment, the alarm bell should be sounded first to warn personnel to leave the rotating parts, and then the car should be started slowly, gradually accelerating to normal while ensuring safety.

7、 When driving and threading the mold, hands and clothes should not come into contact with the wire drawing drum and nearby products to prevent accidents caused by being caught in the wire drawing drum.

8、 When using a connector machine for wiring, it is necessary to first check whether the electrical parts are normal and whether the power cord is damaged. If any problems are found, they should be repaired by an electrician in a timely manner.

9、 When the equipment is in the startup state, it is not allowed to wipe, repair, lubricate, clean, or touch the rotating parts with hands.

10、 If any abnormalities are found in the equipment during the production process, it should be stopped immediately, the power should be cut off, and professional personnel should be invited for repair. Non professional personnel are strictly prohibited from repairing or dismantling.

11、 When the equipment is running normally, the main wire drawing box cover, traction wheel box door, annealing cabinet door, and tension wheel cabinet door should be closed.

12、 When laying out copper and aluminum poles, it is necessary to prevent them from tying or entanglement to prevent them from being thrown out and injuring people after being pulled apart. In emergency situations, the vehicle should be stopped for handling

13、 When using steam annealing protection, attention should be paid to opening the valve when personnel leave the steam outlet. During use, check the steam pressure regularly. If there is overpressure, turn off the power and stop heating to prevent accidents caused by overpressure. Equipment operators are not allowed to dismantle or adjust pressure limiting protective devices without authorization.

14、 It is strictly prohibited to pull temporary wires around the equipment for a long time. After maintenance or auxiliary equipment is used, immediately put away the temporary wires to avoid tripping or electric leakage injury.

15、 When using the overhead crane, it is necessary to first check whether the wire flies and hooks are intact and reliable. The hanging position should be correct, reasonable, and reliable to prevent the wire reel from tipping over or falling off; After lifting, it is necessary to check and confirm that it is safe before operation; During the lifting process of the overhead crane, the lifting components should be kept as low as possible, and it is strictly prohibited to have people underneath the lifting components.

16、 During production, it is necessary to concentrate and stick to the position, remind other personnel not to approach the rotating parts, observe the normal operation of the equipment at all times, do not hand over work to others without authorization, and do not play, sleep, or do anything unrelated to work.

17、 After the work is completed, all water, electricity, and steam should be turned off, the site should be cleaned, hygiene should be maintained, and civilized production should be achieved.

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