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Release time:2024/07/10
How to check the cause when the wire drawing machine fails?

When the wire drawing machine fails, it is important to quickly troubleshoot the cause to ensure production efficiency and product quality. Here are some suggested steps and methods to help you more quickly and accurately determine the cause of the failure:

1. Observe the fault phenomenon

First of all, we must carefully observe the fault phenomenon of the wire drawing machine. Different faults may have different performances, such as the motor does not work, frequent wire breaks, uneven drawing, etc. Observing faults accurately provides guidance for subsequent troubleshooting.

Second, analyze the possible reasons

According to the fault phenomenon, combined with the structure and working principle of the wire drawing machine, the possible reasons are analyzed. The following are some common symptoms and their possible causes:

1. Motor does not work: possible causes include power failure, motor failure, overload protection trigger, etc.

2. Frequent wire breakage: Possible reasons include weak joints, impurities in the wire, unreasonable mold matching, incorrect or not smooth mold hole shape.

3. Uneven drawing: Possible causes include mold wear, uneven drawing speed, unstable drawing temperature, etc.

3. Check by steps

1. Power check: Check whether the power line is stable and the power switch is on to ensure that the power supply is normal.

2. Motor inspection: Check whether the motor is damaged or overheated, if necessary, use a multimeter to measure the resistance and insulation resistance of the motor.

3. Check the control system: check whether the electrical connection of the control system is good, whether there is loosening or short circuit. If a PLC or servo drive is used, check the code displayed and troubleshoot according to the code.

4. Lubrication system inspection: check whether the supply of lubricating oil is sufficient, whether the oil pipeline is firmly connected, and whether the oil nozzle is clean. If the lubrication is poor, replace the lubricating oil in time.

5. Mold inspection: Check the wear and shape of the mold, such as serious wear or incorrect shape, timely replacement of the mold.

6. Wire inspection: Check whether the material and specifications of the wire meet the requirements, and replace it in time if there is a problem. At the same time, check whether the wire has impurities or excessive impurities, and clean up in time.

4. Troubleshoot

Based on the troubleshooting results, take appropriate measures to rectify the fault. Such as replacing the power line, repairing or replacing the motor, repairing the control system, replacing the lubricating oil and mold.

Summarize experience

After the fault is rectified, it is necessary to summarize the experience and lessons in time, and record the fault symptoms, causes, and handling methods. This can help you respond to similar problems faster and improve troubleshooting and processing capabilities.

In short, when the wire drawing machine fails, it is necessary to calm analysis, careful observation, step by step investigation and timely summary of experience and lessons. Only in this way can we ensure smooth production and reduce the failure rate.

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