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Release time:2024/07/15
How to control the stretching speed and temperature during the copper wire drawing process to ensure stable quality and optimize its physical properties?

It is crucial to control the stretching speed and temperature in order to ensure the stability of copper wire quality and optimize its physical properties during the copper drawing process. Here are some specific control measures and methods:

1、 Control the stretching speed

The stretching speed is a key parameter in the copper wire drawing process, which directly affects the mechanical properties and surface quality of the copper wire. The methods for controlling stretching speed mainly include:

Set a reasonable stretching speed range: Based on the material, specifications, equipment performance, and production requirements of the copper wire, set a reasonable stretching speed range. Usually, this range needs to be determined through experiments and experience to ensure that the copper wire does not break too quickly or affect production efficiency too slowly during the stretching process.

Uniform and stable stretching speed: During the stretching process, the stretching speed should be kept uniform and stable to avoid excessive speed fluctuations. This can be achieved by adjusting the control system of the stretching equipment to ensure that the equipment can stably output the required stretching speed during operation.

Real time monitoring and adjustment: During the production process, changes in stretching speed should be monitored in real time and adjusted in a timely manner according to the actual situation. If it is found that the stretching speed deviates from the set range, immediate measures should be taken to correct it to ensure the stability and controllability of the production process.

2、 Control temperature

Temperature is another important factor affecting the tensile properties of copper wire. Reasonably controlling the stretching temperature in the copper drawing process can help improve the plasticity and toughness of copper wire, reduce stress concentration and fracture phenomena during the stretching process.

Preheating treatment: Preheat the copper wire before stretching to a certain temperature range. This helps soften the copper wire, improve its plastic deformation ability, and reduce stress concentration during the stretching process. The preheating temperature usually needs to be determined according to the material and specifications of the copper wire, usually around a few hundred degrees Celsius.

Control the temperature during the stretching process: During the stretching process, the temperature of the copper wire should be continuously monitored and controlled. If the temperature is too high, it may cause the copper wire to overheat and soften, reducing its strength and hardness; If the temperature is too low, it may increase the difficulty of stretching and stress concentration. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the heating or cooling system of the stretching equipment to keep the copper wire stretched within a suitable temperature range.

Cooling treatment: After stretching, cooling the copper wire can help stabilize its structure and properties. The cooling method can be selected according to production needs and equipment conditions, such as water cooling, air cooling, etc.

3、 Other precautions

Choosing the appropriate lubricant: Using the appropriate lubricant during the stretching process can help reduce friction and wear, lower stretching resistance, and improve the surface quality of copper wire. The selection of lubricant should be determined based on the material, stretching process, and production requirements of the copper wire.

Control the stretching pass and processing rate: The stretching pass and processing rate are important factors affecting the quality of copper wire. Excessive stretching passes and high processing rates may lead to defects and stress concentration inside the copper wire; However, too few stretching passes and too low processing rates may not meet production requirements. Therefore, appropriate stretching passes and processing rates should be selected based on the actual situation.

Regular maintenance and inspection of equipment: The good condition of the equipment directly affects the stability of the stretching process and the quality of the copper wire. Therefore, regular maintenance and inspection of stretching equipment should be carried out to ensure that it is in good working condition.

In summary, controlling the stretching speed and temperature is one of the key measures to ensure the stability of copper wire quality and optimize physical properties in the copper drawing process. By reasonably setting and adjusting stretching speed and temperature parameters, selecting appropriate lubricants, controlling stretching passes and processing rates, and regularly maintaining and inspecting equipment, the quality and production efficiency of copper wire can be significantly improved.

Source: Internet

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